Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Iron Man 2 Artist Proofs Available

Hey Everybody, I have really exciting news! My Iron Man 2 Artist Proofs came in from Upper Deck. I am taking commissions on them right now. If you are interested in getting one; simply click on the link to Catskill Comics in the sidebar. My agent, Scott, will take care of you. I have 14 left and will need to get them completed and approved by Marvel soon. So don't wait too long before you get yours. Also... DC solicited my first issue of Zatanna today for sale August 11th 2010! WOOT! Make sure you order your copy today!

1 comment:

Lee Wiley said...

so excited to see your Zatanna issue published, I just went to DC's website and saw your issue listed with a pic of the cover! I'm very excited for August to get it!