Tuesday, July 22, 2008

San Deigo Comic Con

Well its that time of year. Time to brave the unwashed masses in San Diego California in order to seek out future work in the comic and video game industries. I've been doing good since last year hopefully I'll double the amount of work I get this year. I'll try and post a nightly update of all the fun! Anyhoo... On another note it was Christmas in July this month. I got my share of the original artwork for Countdown to Mystery#5 and my comps from "Boom!" for Warhammer: Condemned by Fire issues 2 and 3. I did a cover for #2 and 7 pages for #3. The colors for #3 sort of covered up a lot of my work. Maybe I'll post my inks so you guys can see the Black and Whites. Anyhoo I got a ton of stuff to do before I go so I got to get back to it!



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